Padron Registration

How often do I need to register on the Padron at the Town Hall in Orihuela Costa?

Do I need to register as a Non EU Citizen.   Yes.  Every two years.

Do I need to register as a Permanent Citizen.   Yes, every five years.

Click on the link below to read all the information relating to the Ayuntamiento – Padron.

Municipal Register. Renewal of registration of non-EU foreigners – Procedures and Procedures (

Why do I need to register on the Padron?   The Padron is similar to the electoral register of every citizen who has  either bought a home to live permanently as a holiday home or rent a long term property.   The local government provide services and maintenance to the local community, Schools, Police, Emergency Services, Beaches and Bin collections.   The utilities companies also work together with the Town Hall registration.   Water (Aqua) and Electricity (Iberdrola).   Failure to register on the Padron results in loss of revenue to the Town Hall to provide the services everyone deserves to live their dream in Orihuela Costa.